We may be the only animals
that have a power to suffer from within.
We have a power,
to turn predatory the imaginal,
and therefore suffer preyhood becoming.
Entrapped we often find ourselves,
and no matter how gone freedom feels,
footpaths past writhe alive.
But by the very same slope,
we have a power to fall high,
from the sky into the depths of the stars
Between those feelings,
constellated by a power
to feel how in us they concresce,
our grip grows tighter.
We grab to turn around,
a power to deprive from without,
an exacting vision of where now
all must flow.
A power to look away from seeing,
to absorb from it instead, thought colored feeling.
A forsaken prey’s flushed red descent,
down a predator’s first asphyxiated now infatuated above,
pale fleshed and frozen,
veined with blue.
Trust does not tether, for it must be tethered.